Wednesday, June 10, 2020

‘Becky’: Even Lulu Wilson Has No Idea What the Mysterious Key Unlocks

Lulu Wilson is essentially a teenage Rambo in Cary Murnion and Jonathan Milott‘s home invasion action-thriller Becky (read Meagan’s review), released onto VOD and in select drive-in theaters this past weekend. Wilson plays the title character, a 13-year-old tasked with brutally killing off a group of Nazis who have invaded her house in pursuit of a mysterious key.

That group of white supremacist scum is led by Kevin James‘ Dominick, who will stop at nothing to get the key that Becky is in possession of. The entire plot of the movie hinges on the large key, but what’s a bit frustrating about the film is that it never actually reveals what the key unlocks. The movie ends without any of those beans being spilled, ultimately making Becky a movie about a gory battle over a mysterious object that we’ll probably never know a single thing about. As it turns out, even star Lulu Wilson has no idea what the key unlocks.

Speaking with Bloody Disgusting’s Boo Crew podcast last week, the young actress revealed that she’s as in the dark about the key as everyone who watches the movie will be.

I genuinely don’t know. I have no idea, nobody told me,” Wilson explained. “Kevin knows, I don’t know. I have no idea what it’s for. Kevin’s character actually knows so Kevin actually knows. I’m a little jealous, but also it’s good that I don’t know. I mean, maybe in the sequel she like searches for what the key’s for. I don’t know. That’d be cool.”

There’s one point in the film where Dominick is asked about the key, and his vague answer suggests that it has something to do with the master plan he feels it’s his destiny to carry out as a white supremacist; the symbol that appears on the key is even tattooed onto Dominick’s body. That’s the only insight we’re ever really provided in regards to the key, which would certainly seem to unlock something far more important than, say, a chest of money.

Why is Becky so protective of a key she knows nothing about? How did it end up on the family’s property in the first place? And what makes it so important that Dominick spent nearly a decade in prison formulating a plan to take possession of it? Perhaps more interestingly, why did the writers decide to play it so coy about such an important plot detail?

We reached out to co-writer Nick Morris, and he had this to say. “I can’t tell you much at this point about the key that Dominick is so hell-bent on retrieving, but I will say that the choice to keep its purpose a mystery was definitely calculated from the very start,” Morris explained. “Speaking personally, for me the key is almost symbolic. It’s so important to these evildoers that they’ll kill for it. But ultimately, nothing, not even this precious thing – the object of their obsession – can save them when death comes around in the form of a 13 year old girl.

Your guess, as they say, is as good as ours.

Listen to the Boo Crew’s full chat with Lulu Wilson below.

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