Monday, February 1, 2021

Gruesome New Images from the ‘Wrong Turn’ Reboot Spill Blood All Over the Woods

In 2003, we were told not to go in the woods. We still haven’t learned.

Mike P. Nelson‘s (The DomesticsWrong Turn, a fresh take on the slasher from 2003, is headed home later this month, and some gruesome new stills have been unleashed today.

Nelson says in a new director’s statement, “We wanted to make a movie that reflects the state of the mind of the world today. I think as people we are all capable of being the most extreme versions of ourselves so when those extremes collide one person’s dream can become another person’s nightmare.”

He adds, “We wanted to make a movie that surprises audiences. They think the movie is going one way and we take them down a completely other turn. This is a movie where the audience will think they know who these characters are and we’ll completely flip that prejudice on its head. These characters keep surprising us which makes the movie so special.”

Check out the gory new imagery down below.

Wrong Turn will be hitting DVD, Blu-ray and Digital on Tuesday, February 23.

In the film…

“Backwoods terror and never-jangling suspense meet when Jen (Charlotte Vega) and a group of friends set out to hike the Appalachian Trail. Despite warnings to stick to the trail, the hikers stray off course—and cross into land inhabited by The Foundation, a hidden community of mountain dwellers who use deadly means to protect their way of life.

“Suddenly under siege, Jen and her friends seem headed to the point of no return— unless Jen’s father (Golden Globe nominee Matthew Modine) can reach them in time.”

Blu-ray/DVD Special Features include:

  • Deleted & Extended Scenes
  • “Monsters Among Us: Making Wrong Turn” Featurette
  • Wrong Turn Promotional Trailer
  • Feature-Length Audio Commentary with Director Mike P. Nelson

Alan B. McElroy, the writer of the original film, wrote the new movie’s script.


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