Monday, February 8, 2021

The “WTF?” of It All in Vincenzo Natali’s ‘Splice’ [Horror Queers Podcast]

Taboo: The Movie.

We spent all of January doing 3s like Scream 3Hellraiser III: Hell on EarthPsycho III and Alien 3, but now we’re moving on to February and we’re kicking it off with something undeniably weird and controversial. That film would be Vincenzo Natali‘s absolutely wild sci-fi horror film Splice.

In the film, geneticists Clive (Adrien Brody) and Elsa (Sarah Polley) specialize in creating hybrids of species. When they propose the use of human DNA, their pharmaceutical company bosses forbid it, forcing them to conduct experiments in secret. The result is Dren (Delphine Chanéac), a creature with amazing intelligence and physical attributes. At first, Dren exceeds their wildest dreams, but as she begins to grow at an accelerated rate, she threatens to become their worst nightmare.

Be sure to subscribe to the podcast to get a new episode every Wednesday. You can subscribe on iTunes/Apple PodcastsStitcherSpotifyiHeartRadioSoundCloudTuneInAmazon MusicAcastGoogle Podcasts, and RSS.

Episode 111 – Splice (2011) feat. Prince Jackson

Our month of 3s has ended, so we’re kicking off February with a discussion of Vincenzo Natali’s supremely messed up sci-fi horror film (and secret Dark Castle film) Splice, which also acts as an early celebration of Joe’s birthday! Joining us for the chat is Prince Jackson, host of our sister podcast Knight Light!

Before we get to it, just a heads up if you’ve never seen the film: we’re issuing content warnings for rape, animal death, incest and (depending on how you view Dren) pedophilia and/or bestiality.

Obviously, we’ve got to talk about that ending, but we’ll also gush over Canadian national treasure Sarah Polley, debate the film’s unlikable mad scientist protagonists and try to gauge audience reactions when this hit theaters 11 years ago.

Plus, discussions of bad parenting paired with comparisons to Renny Harlin’s Deep Blue Sea and Francis Ford Coppola’s Jack!

Cross out Splice!

Coming up on Wednesday: Valentine’s Day is fast approaching, so we’re going to be discussing George Mihalka’s classic slasher My Bloody Valentine!

– Joe & Trace

P.S. Subscribe to our Patreon for tons of additional content! In February we have minisodes on Religious Horror and a ranking of the Wrong Turn franchise, plus full length episodes on Willy’s Wonderland and Saint Maud. Finally, to celebrate Valentine’s Day, we’ve got an audio commentary on My Bloody Valentine (2009).


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