The adult animated anthology series “Love, Death & Robots” premiered back in 2019 with some truly awesome episodes, and the series from Netflix, Tim Miller and David Fincher will be launching a third season next month. Announced by Netflix today, “Love, Death & Robots” will be returning for “Volume 3” on May 20, 2022, and we’ve got the first teaser.
The anthology collection spans the science fiction, fantasy, horror and comedy genres and each short has a unique animation style: from traditional 2D to photo-real 3D CGI.
Netflix teases, “Terror, imagination and beauty combine in new episodes which stretch from uncovering an ancient evil to a comedic apocalypse, telling startling short stories of fantasy, horror and science-fiction with trademark wit and visual invention.”
Thus far, “Love, Death & Robots” has been *extremely* horror-heavy, loaded with monsters and splattered with the red stuff. So here’s hoping for more gory mayhem in Volume 3.
Stay tuned for the full official trailer real soon.
The series is presented by Tim Miller, David Fincher, Jennifer Miller, and Joshua Donen.
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