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Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Remember That Little Movie Called "The Ring"? Get Ready for More....

We don't talk often about "J Horror" (Japanese horror), you know, the Grudges, the Rings, that sort of thing. Something about a jerky little girl in a white dress can get a bit eerie and cold, like the jagged spears of ice dipping into your eyeballs as you wriggle in agony. Yeah, that feeling.
So let's celebrate: because there's now a new film coming out, the third entry to the iconic The Ring, based on the Japanese flick Ringu: and it's called Rings.

This sprung out on me out of nowhere, and now I'm psyched. The director himself, tweeting: just seven days until we get to see a trailer. And then I found out that the film will be released on October 28, 2016.

Time to get the VHS player out.

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